Moksha Living

Moksha Living

MOKSHA [ mohk-shuh ] ; liberation ...transcend from the mundane into the extraordinary

A private yoga class is an opportunity to explore your physical needs as a student, a class tailored just for you and your body. There is room for plenty of questions as well room to voice concerns. It is a one on one experience, just you and a teacher. what a wonderful forum to grow!


Yoga Therapy Prices

60 minute session $90

90 minute session(recommended) $120

off-site yoga available...your home, beach, hotel, anywhere we can fit a yoga mat...

additional $20 (distance may vary price)

*I can provide mats/blocks/blankets for off-site sessions for additional cost



Package of 4 one hour sessions $340 ($20 discount for package of 4)

package of 6 one and a half hour sessions (highly recommended) $700



groups of 2 or more...

$75 plus $35 for each additional person

off-site available with additional charge

*late cancel within 24 hours $35, late cancel within 12 hours full session charge